Sunday, December 3, 2006

Weekly News and Commentary

-Researchers are looking at using bees to sniff out explosives. Apparently guards could wave a small cage full of trained bees around people/luggage. If the bees smell explosives, they stick out their probiscus. And if they find explosives, the guard could release the bees to attack the bombers! (That last bit is just my fantasy.)

-McDonalds is trying to patent the sandwich. The way patents are handled in the US is out of control. Dosen't anyone look over patents before they are granted? I realize that this patent has only been applied for, but yikes!

McDonald's said: 'These applications are not intended to prevent anyone from using previous methods for making sandwiches.'
Thanks, McDonalds!

-In case you missed it, it was an extrememly quiet hurricane season. The weather scientists had predicted an extremely violent year, on par with last year. Their prediction was wrong. These guys can't even get a major weather result right that should happen within 6 months. But they want me to believe that their models can predict a more subtle weather change of less than 6 degrees over the next hundred years?

-My brother mentioned this to me a while ago, but here is some cool military news. They're converting submarines to be used in the war on terror. A stealthy sub with 154 cruise missles and 100 SEAL commandos? Sweet! I doubt we'll ever hear about the missions where these are used.

-There is a quiet revolution of sorts going on in Mexico, complete with an underground second government. They are even interfering with the inaguration of the actual president.

-With North Korea and Iran developing long range missles to go with their shiny new nuclear bombs, our limited missle defense shield seems even more important. The newly empowered Democrats don't like it. Bush wants to expand it, and even add an orbital battle station!

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