Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Faces of Terror

Here are a couple of shots from our February trip to Disneyland. They're a bit late, I admit, but they're still funny. Enjoy!

This one is funny because of the personalities. The 9yo was terrified of losing his glases, so he had to keep hold of them. The 11yo actually is scared, despite his fake-scared face. The 6yo was terrified, even though he only looks mildly concerned. This was one of his first "grown-up" rides.

This is the true gem. You can't deny the terror on everyone's face. This is clearly the scarier of the two rides.


Anonymous said...

The splash mountain photo is great. Thanks for the laugh.

Janelle said...

I laughed so hard at the splash mountain picture. I called Andre in and he loved it too.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how fun it is to scare ourselves to death. What a great picture!