Thursday, August 21, 2008

Braces Suck!

Dad was wrong, it hurt a lot. Poor 11yo! Anyone have words of advice or encouragement for a sad boy who wants to die?


Janelle said...

I don't have great words of encouragement. I do know that the pain goes away after a few days. So here are my words...

1)Ibuprofen is your friend.

2)This is your chance to get whatever you want from your parents because they feel bad for you.

That is all I have to say- sorry it is lame and I am sorry it hurts!

Anonymous said...

We are sorry it hurts. Eat soft food like ice cream and mashed potatoes. It will get better. At least you are on the count down to having a beautiful smile. We love you.

John said...

There's not much positive that I can say about braces. Sure they give you a better smile, but they're miserable. Sorry little buddy.

Aunt Janelle's right, though, the pain does fade. Just be really careful not to get hit in the face with a basketball -- it's incredibly bloody if you do.

John said...

There's not much positive that I can say about braces. Sure they give you a better smile, but they're miserable. Sorry little buddy.

Aunt Janelle's right, though, the pain does fade. Just be really careful not to get hit in the face with a basketball -- it's incredibly bloody if you do.