Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Complaint List

Mouth handed me a sheet of paper during church last Sunday. It was titled:

My Complaint List December 7 2008.

My dad is a big fat meanie and this is why. He made me pick up the dog poop with my crazy brother. And my other crazy brother yelled at me while I was getting dressed. And my mom she had to leave at 6:45 AM in the morning. So now at church my dad forgot something so he had to go home to get it. So now my brothers and I are all alone. And now my scout leader is telling us about the Gospel being true and all. And now a lady is talking about something tender about the Savior. Oh and I forgot when we came to church we had to sit on the hard chairs all of them are so hard and not comfortable at all. And that's all my complaints.

Here was my response. It was titled:

Complaint list of a 9 year old African boy.

My dad is dead
My mom is dead
I live with my grandmother in a one-room shack with 12 of my cousins
I sleep on dirt with no blanket
I have to get up at 6:45 AM to go out and try to find a bug to eat before the other kids eat them all.


Janelle said...

I can not believe how picked on Mouth is. How can you be so mean? I bet you made him eat something healthy that day too- huh?

Anonymous said...

poor kid.