Saturday, April 12, 2008

Plant vs. Animal Kingdom

Yesterday P-diddy and I(A****) were playing animal charades. It was P-diddy's turn and I was having a hard time guessing his animal. It really looked like he was making scrambled eggs and toast. I asked for a clue.

P-diddy: "It has three letters."
Mom: "Is it--zoo???" (I had absolutely no idea!)
P-diddy: "No! It starts with M and ends with M."
Mom: "Is is MOM?"
P-diddy: "Yes!" (Said with an isn't it obvious attitude!)
Mom: "But we are playing animal charades!"
P-diddy came and sat on the bed beside me to have a serious discussion: "Mom-there are two different kingdoms in the world. The plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. And I don't think you are a plant."
(P-diddy is constantly cracking us up! He has a very unique personality!)


Anonymous said...

That p diddy is a remarkable boy!!!Tell him he is very smart and I'm glad his mom is not a carrot!
G'ma Y

Janelle said...

Kids are so funny. I wish I could remember all the things they say that crack me up.