Come on let's cruise ya got nothin' to lose
This was a big week for the 5yo!
This week the 5yo learned how to ride his bike without training wheels! I'd been noticing that he was starting to balance on his scooter, and I thought that if he can balance on one two-wheeled toy, he should be able to do all two-wheeled toys. So off with the training wheels!
He was actually pretty excited about it and I grabbed onto his seat to support him as he pedaled. Off we go! We biked down the sidewalk to the nearby park, and then around the park. He'd start to balance and I'd let go. This resulted in a lot of crashes onto grass and into bushes. But he was a trooper and kept going. He was actually having a lot of fun couldn't stop giggling (I think that the giggling was the major cause for most of the crashes) I was exhausted and my back was really sore because his bike is really short, so we called it a day.The next night we went back. He started doing a bit better and was working on his braking, steering and balancing. He'd almost get it and then steer off the sidewalk onto the grass, and then tumble over. On the way back to our house on day 2, he just took off. He rode all the way home by himself, and was circling the driveway when I made it home! Eureka.
The next night was golden, he rode pretty much all the way around the park by himself, except or a few forays down the grass hills. He said that it was accidental, but I think he liked going fast down the hills.
There was one bad crash, and he landed on his handlebars. It looked really painful!