Friday, February 19, 2010

Box Canyon

This is a view down toward Florence, AZ on the Box Canyon trail. Someone had recommended it to me as a really fun trail. I looked it up in my off-road trail book and the author said that it was easy to moderate...

Most of the trail was easy to moderate, but there were some pretty fun obstacles. Like this cliff that we had to get down. There was still water moving down the wash from all the rain we've been having, so the boys had fun playing in the waterfalls.

Here we go! The 12yo took some action shots.

This was called the Stage Depot in my book. I don't know anything about it other than it looks pretty old. Is it possible that this trail was used by stage coaches?

This is the entry to box canyon itself. I didn't get any good pictures in there for some reason. It was really neat because the walls were so sheer and multicolored. Unfortunately my off-road book didn't mention the many very difficult rocks we had to get over. The jeep actually slipped as we crossed over one nasty spot. There was a lot of scary banging noises as the jeep fell down onto a boulder. I was sure that we were either high-centered or that I'd smashed in the side of the wrangler. But you should never doubt the power of the wrangler! We weren't even stuck. I do think that I will get a 2 inch lift and bigger wheels when my tires are worn out. The extra clearance would have made this much less stressful for me.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

11yo's Birthday

Lunch at Red Robin!

That's some good burgers.

He didn't want a birthday cake so we had a birthday cookie...

The best part was the ice blocking. We had fun and got a lot of exercise too!

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Breakfast in... Hammock?


Mornings get crazy around here. It's a bit chilly in the morning and the kiddies love to go outside and bundle up.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hiking the hedgehog trail with scouts

Yes, another hiking post! This was a 5.7 miler in the San Tan Mountain Regional park. It was a perfect morning and a wonderful hike!

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hiking the Lost Dog Wash Trail last Sat

This was a beautiful trail in a nature preserve in Scottsdale. They had 4-5 inches of rain over the last week so it was really green. At least as green as it ever gets.

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Arizona flowering tree

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